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Oh guys, I am so excited to write these lines today! The first version of the Story Architect mobile app for Android is ready and available for download in the store

Almost a year ago, on September 20, 2023, we started full-fledged development of the app... We started drawing the design of the mobile version even earlier, in October 2020 😱 And now, today, we are ready to present you our work!

I am very grateful to the whole team for this step, for all the work done! Thank you, team!

What's inside

So, what is this very first version of mobile STARC?

The current version includes the most basic functionality:

- working with projects
- project structure management
- working with script, novel and text document modules
- basic script and novel statistics
- working with basic profiles of characters and locations
- loading projects from external storage
- saving projects to external storage

Remember that this is only the first version, so in order to release the application as soon as possible, we have been doing only basic things, building the skeleton of the future application, around which muscles of new features will undoubtedly grow with each new release.

What's next

More to come!

First, we plan to clean up the functionality of the Android version a bit. We will add the rest of the text editing features, such as formatting, reviewing, and drafts.

Then we will implement the cloud service functionality so that we can use a single account on different devices and synchronize projects automatically.

After that it will be time to adapt the application for iOS and iPadOS (since we use a technology that will allow us to reuse 80% of the developments of the Android version, the adaptation for iOS will essentially be a fine-tuning of the application interface for the specifics of Apple).

And then we will continue to implement all the other modules in both versions of the mobile application.

This is certainly only the beginning of a long journey full of experiments, tests and discoveries. This is the first step. And it is done. Further we will continue to work actively on the mobile direction and will work hard to make a fully functional application that will have all the same features as its big brother - the desktop version.

Thank you for being with us, friends! Be sure to send us your feedback and wishes after you try mobile STARC! And see you soon!

Join our community of users & activate your free access to PRO & TEAM versions of Story Architect! We invite you to download and try all the functions for free and give us your feedback. Let's make the best software for writers together!