Story Architect is designed to run on any device, regardless of hardware. But nevertheless, we cannot support the performance of the application on all versions of all operating systems in the world, so their range is limited:
You can find a list of all installation packages of the current application version, plus all previously published versions on the Story Architect's releases page on GitHub.
To keep up with the latest developments we’ve made available the so-called developer version. It's updated every time we add some new features to the app. But please be informed that such version and all its latest improvements may contain bugs as its not yet stable and not ready for a public release.
Download links for developers version: Mac OS X, Windows 64bit, Windows 32bit, Linux.
Story Architect distributed under the Open Core model. It means that the application's core source code is open and available to use for everybody. In addition, it means that some parts source code is closed and distributed under the commercial license.
Source code is open, the functionality available without restrictions:
Source code is closed, base functionality available without restrictions:
Source code is closed, the functionality available via commercial license:
You can find out Story Architect source code in its GitHub repository.
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