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With each release, we improve the application and introduce new tools to make your writing process even more enjoyable. That's why it's important to update Story Architect on time. In this article, we'll tell you how to do it in a couple of clicks, and also how to test the features that are not yet in the public domain.

The first thing you need to do is to sign up. After that, being on the start page, click on the "burger" button, which opens the menu on the left.

In this menu, find the bell icon at the top, behind which you will find notifications, and click on it. If there are unread notifications, a dot will appear next to the icon.

After clicking on the bell, a window with messages about new releases of the program will open. If you click "Read more about release", the browser will open a page of the website with the corresponding article, and if you select "Download", the new installation file will be immediately saved on your computer.

Next, click "Install" and proceed to the standard installation procedure. Files of old versions do not need to be deleted, the new ones will simply replace them. After the installation, the updated application will open, ready to work.

Another way to install the latest version is to click on "Story Architect" in the same menu on the left. This button will take us to the program's website, where we immediately see the "Download and Try" button.

And you can also install dev-versions. This is the state of the program, when new features are already there, but they can work intermittently. In general, if you want to try the version before its official release, go to the same menu, click on the bell and in the window that appears click on the settings icon on the top right. There, select "Show developers versions". Test versions will appear in the menu. You can get them in the same way by clicking "Download" first, then "Install".

Keep an eye out for new releases on our social networks and website. With each update, Story Architect becomes more convenient and faster.

Join our community of users & activate your free access to PRO & TEAM versions of Story Architect! We invite you to download and try all the functions for free and give us your feedback. Let's make the best software for writers together!