Productivity problems catch up with every writer from time to time. The statistics module in STARC can help you solve them – it tells you when you're most active.
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To get to the desired section, click on the burger button in the top left corner and select the stats icon at the top.
Here you can see a graph showing your activity peaks over the past months. The panel on the left also contains information about the current session – how many words you’ve written today and how much time it has taken you. And just below that is a summary of the last month. This way you can analyze at what moments you were most productive and try to catch that flow state again.
A timer for writing sprints can also help you track your progress and discipline. Read more about it here.
Use the STARC personal statistics module to understand your inner artist better. You may come to interesting conclusions and start цкшештп in the early mornings or exclusively on even dates.
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