Sometimes we share special promo codes that allow you to purchase STARC subscriptions cheaper than usual. This happens either on holidays or if you have a status that allows you to get a personal discount (for example, you are a student or professor). This article will tell you how and where to apply the promo code to take advantage of the benefits.
If you don't already have the Story Architect app or downloaded it a second ago, read the instructions on how to install it, as well as how to log in to your personal account.
The activation panel of the promo code is located in the personal account. To go to it, you need to authorize, click on the burger button in the upper left corner on the start page, and then on the arrow next to your name.
In the center of the screen, there is a "Promotional or gift code" section. Enter the promo code there and click "Activate".
After that, you can either purchase a discounted subscription or tokens for AI assistant (read more about purchasing subscriptions and tokens) or enjoy a free gift period – it all depends on which code you activated.
That's it! Use the instruction above and enjoy creating stories with less cost.
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