Dear friends, I’m so happy to welcome you all again because we have a new version of Story Architect 0.1.1 ready for your attention!
The coolest news for you - today we are releasing beta version of Story Architect 0.1.0 for everyone!
It's finally time to write a New Year's Eve post to sum up 2021 and share our plans for 2022!
Finally, we are ready to publish the next Story Architect 0.0.11 beta version update! This version got some cool new features...
Hello, my dear fellows! Today we are releasing the next update, which not only has technical improvements but many useful features for more comfortable work...
Hello, world! The next update of Story Architect 0.0.9 is ready to see the spotlight and hear your applause! :)
Hi folks, it’s good to talk to you again! Release 0.0.8 published! Read what's new...
Woop! Woop! Release 0.0.7 in da house :) Check what's new...
Boom! Starс 0.0.6 has been released! It includes the following...
The next version of Starc is ready and its a great day to publish it. What's included in Story Architect 0.0.5?
It took us three weeks to finish document changes work! And I’m really glad we overcame this challenge!
You didn't even expect!? But Story Architect 0.0.4 came out today!
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